Tricentenary of Charles III: Presentation of the Epistolary of the Queen María Amalia de Sajonia in Barcelona

  Within the activities of the Tercentenary of Charles III organized by the Constantinian Order, the presentation of the book VVerso la Riforma della Spagna. Il carteggio fra Maria Amalia di Sassonia and Bernardo Tanucci (1759-1760), was held in the Conference Room of the of the Crown of Aragon’s Archive, in the Palace of the…

Tercentenary of Carlos III Inauguration of a commemorative plaque in the Military Church of Barcelona

On the occasion of the celebration in 2016 of the 300th anniversary of the birth of King Don Charles III of Bourbon, Grand Master of the Constantinian Order, the Delegation of Catalonia commissioned a commemorative plaque that was placed in the MIlitary Church of Barcelona and was discovered by HRH The Duke of Calabria, Grand…

The Two Sicilies Royal Family visits the Exhibition “Carlos de Borbón, de Barcelona a Nápoles” in Barcelona, on the anniversary day of proclamation of Charles III as King of Spain

  Last Thursday, August 10, mostly of the entire Bourbon-Two Sicilies Royal Family visited the exhibition dedicated to his ancestor King Charles III, which is open until October 17 in the Archivo de la Corona de Aragón Palace, in Barcelona (Spain), entitled “Carlos de Borbón, de Barcelona a Napoles ». H.R.H The Duke of Calabria,…

Obituario: S.Em.a Rvdma. el Cardenal Estepa Llaurens, Bailyo Gran Cruz de Justicia de la Orden

En la madrugada del día 21 de julio falleció en Madrid Su Eminencia Reverendísima Don José Manuel Cardenal Estepa Llaurens, Arzobispo emérito Castrense de España, Bailyo Gran Cruz de Justicia de nuestra Sacra Milicia. Nacido en Andújar, provincia de Jaén, el 1 de enero de 1926, estudió en Salamanca, Roma y París. Fue ordenado sacerdote…

Colaboración de la Orden Constantiniana con la Fundación Pontificia de Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada

En las oficinas centrales  de ACN ESPAÑA -Fundación Pontificia de Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada- en Madrid, ha tenido lugar una sesión de trabajo en busca de vías de colaboración con la Orden Constantiniana de San Jorge. La sesión fue presidida por S.A.R. D. Pedro de Borbón Dos Sicilias, Duque de Calabria, Gran Maestre. Por…

The Constantinian Order will grant scholarships to 4 seminarians of the “Missio for Austria”

At the proposal of the Royal Commission for Austria and Liechtenstein, whose president is H.I.&R.H. Archduke Simeon of Austria, H.R.H. The Grand Master, Prince Peter of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria sanctioned an agreement with the Missio for Austria, an organization belonging to the missionary work of the Church. As established by the Agreement, the…