S.A.R. El Duque de Calabria, Gran Maestre, acompañado por S.A.R. El Duque de Noto, Gran Prefecto, y otros miembros de la Real Diputación así como numerosos caballeros y amigos de la Orden Constantiniana, llegó a Palermo el viernes día 19 de mayo.
Esa misma tarde visitó el Oratorio de la Congregación de Damas del Giardinello al Ponticello. A continuación SS.AA.RR. visitaron la Antica e Nobile Compagnia della Pace.
Por la noche se sirvió una cena en el Circolo Bellini, dónde su Presidente, Don Biagio Licata, Príncipe de Baucina (caballero de Justicia de la Orden), ofreció a S.A.R. El Duque de Calabria la condición de miembro de honor del Circolo. Estuvieron presentes S.A.S. la Princesa Benigna de Reuss, S.E.Rvdma. Enrico dal Covolo, obispo titular de Eraclea, y Rector Magnífico de la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense, el Duque Don Diego de Vargas Machuca (presidente de la Real Comisión para Italia), Don Flavio dei Principi Borghese (Delagado en Roma), Don Landolfo Caracciolo, Príncipe de Melissano, S.E. el Embajador Carlos Bárcena y Portolés (Consejero de la Real Comisión para España), el Marqués Narcisio Salvo di Pietraganzili, el Profesor Amadeo-Martín Rey y Cabieses (Vice-Auditor General), el Noble Salvatore Bordonali, el Profesor Mario Ginestra, y el Vice-Canciller, Guy Stair Sainty (los cuales acompañaron durante todos los actos celebrados a lo largo del viaje a SS.AA.RR.), también la Princesa Baucina, la Princesa de Raffadali, la Condesa Maria Naselli dei duci di Gela, Don Alberto Monroy, Duque de Giempilieri, y otras personalidades.
La mañana siguiente, sábado, tuvo lugar una conferencia en la Società Siciliana di Storia Patria Palermo, inaugurada por su presidente, el Dr. Giovanni Fatta Del Bosco. La primera ponencia fue presentada por S.E. Rvdma. Don Enrico dal Covolo, Rector Magnífico de la Pontificia Universidad Lateranense, que fue seguida por otras cinco presentaciones académicas.
S.A.R. el Gran Maestre fue nombrado a continuación Ciudadano de Honor de la ciudad de Palermo por el Alcalde de la misma. A su vez, S.A.R. distinguió a la Ciudad con la Medalla de Oro de la Orden Constantiniana.
Por la tarde el Gran Maestre asistió a un concierto y un almuerzo con la Asociación Talita Kum. La Asociación recibió la medalla de plata benemérita de la Orden, junto con una donación. La Orden se comprometió a seguir apoyando a esta Asociación en el futuro.
A continuación se realizó una visita a la Catedral de Monreale, dónde SS.AA.RR. fueron recibidas por S.E. Rvdma. Monseñor Michele Pennisi, Arzobispo de Monreale.
Esa noche se sirvió una cena en la Casa Bordaloni, ofrecida por el Nobile Salvatore y la Nobildonna Luisa Bordaloni, en honor de S.A.R. El Duque de Calabria, y por S.A.R. El Duque de Noto en el Gran Hotel Piazza Borsa en honor de S.Emª. Rvdma. El Cardenal Gran Prior, Don Darío Castrillón-Hoyos.
El domingo 21 de mayo, SS.AA.RR. fueron recibidas por el Presidente de la Asamblea de la Región de Sicilia en el Palacio Real; en el cual se celebró un Solemne Pontifical presidido por S.Emª. el Cardenal Gran Prior, concelebrando SS.EE. Monseñor Enrico dal Covolo y Monseñor Francesco Ficarotta, rector de la Capilla Palatina, en honor a San Jorge y en memoria de San Constantino el Grande de las Iglesias Orientales. Durante la ceremonia fueron investidos nuevos miembros de la Orden Constantiniana. Los actos finalizaron con un almuerzo en honor a SS.AA.RR. en el Grand Hotel.
On the 19th HRH the Grand Master arrived in Palermo and that evening visited the Oratory of the Congregation of Ladies of the Giardinello al Ponticello, where they were received by the Superior of the Ladies of the Aspettazione del Parto del Vergine, the lay section of the Congregation, and one of the only two sisters of this community now resident there. After learning of the Congregation’s vital work with refugees and helping young women saved from trafficking, a musical recital followed. This was followed by a visit to the Antica e Nobile Compagnia della Pace where they were welcomed by the Governor, Marchese Narcisio Salvo di Pietraganzili (grand cross of Justice of the Order) and other members of the Government of the Company. There was then a dinner at the Circolo Bellini, where the President, Don Biagio Licata, Prince of Baucina (knight of Justice of the Order) , conferred honorary membership of the Circolo on HRH the Duke of Calabria. Those present included HSH Princess Benigna Reuss, HE the Most Rev Enrico dal Covolo, titular Bishop of Eraclea and Magnificent Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, Duke Don Diego de Vargas Machuca (president of the Italian royal commission), Don Flavio dei Principi Borghese (Roman Delegate), Don Landolfo Caracciolo, Prince of Melissano, HE Ambassador Carlos Bárcena y Portolés (Councillor of the Spanish Royal Commission), Marchese Narcisio Salvo di Pietraganzili, Professor Amadeo Martin Rey y Cabieses (Vice-Auditor General), Nobile Salvatore Bordonali, Profesor Mario Ginestra, and the Vice-Grand Chancellor (all of whom accompanied TRH to each of the events), the Princess of Baucina, the Princess of Raffadali, Countess Donna Maria Naselli dei duchy if Gela, Don Alberto Monroy, Duca di Giampilieri, and many others.
The following morning, Saturday, a conference took place at the Società Siciliana di Storia Patria Palermo, opened by the president, Dott. Giovanni Fatta Del Bosco. The first paper was presented by HE the Most Rev Enrico dal Covolo, Rettore Magnifico of the Pontifical Lateran University, and was followed by the presentation of five other scholarly papers. Immediately following the conference, the Cardinal Grand Prior, His Eminence Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, and the Mayor (Sindaco) of Palermo, On. Leoluca Orlando, presented HRH the Grand Master with Honorary citizenship of Palermo and HRH presented the Constantinian Gold Medal of Merit to the City of Palermo.
Following the conference, Their Royal Highnesses and their suite visited the Parish church of San Mamiliano Vescovo, where the children of the Associazione Talita Kum gave an orchestral performance. This association of children from deprived backgrounds living in this quarter of the city, about 20% of whom are orphaned immigrants from West Africa who were rescued from the Mediterranean, was formed thanks to the extraordinary work of this Dominican Church and the generosity of the volunteer teachers. They presented a beautiful and impressive performance which was of an astonishingly high standard. Following this TRH and their suite joined the children and association volunteers for lunch – the Association received the silver benemerenti medal of the Order along with a donation (and the Order will continue to support this worthy organisation).
This was followed by a visit to the Cathedral of Monreale where they were received by HE the Most Rev Monsignor Michele Pennisi, Archbishop of Monreale. That evening a dinner was offered at the Casa Bordonali, by Nobile Salvatore and Nobildonna Luisa Bordonali, for HRH the Duke of Calabria, and by HRH the Duke of Noto at the Grand Hotel Piazza Borsa, in honour of His Eminence the Cardinal Grand Prior.
On Sunday 21 May, TRH were received by the President of the Sicilian Regional Assembly at the Royal Palace; there then followed a Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated by His Eminence the Cardinal Grand Prior with HE Monsignor Enrico dal Covolo and Monsignor Francesco Ficarotta, rector of the Palatine Chapel, as co-celebrants, in honour of Saint George and in memory of Saint Constantine the Great of the Eastern Churches. There was an investiture of new members of the Order during the Mass.
The events ended with a luncheon in honour of TRH’s at the Grand Hotel, following which they departed for the airport to return to Madrid.